Patient Physical Exam Questionnaire Hello, Please provide the following information so we can expediate your pet(s) appointment. Please fill out each question even if it does not pertain to your visit today and be as descriptive as possible. Your Name(Required) First Name Last Name Best contact phone number(Required)Are you currently experiencing any symptoms that could be related to the COVID-19 virus? We ask that if you are feeling ill that you do not bring your pet into the hospital and instead have a friend or family member bring your pet in. We are able to accommodate curbside service if you would like just please select that option below.*(Required) I am not currently experiencing any symptoms I am currently experiencing symptoms I am not currently experiencing any symptoms but would like to use curbside services Pets name(Required)Chief Complaint (Why is your pet being seen today?)(Required)Has your pet been coughing/gagging?(Required) Yes No Has your pet been sneezing?(Required) Yes No Has your pet had any recent vomiting?(Required) Yes No Has your pet had any recent diarrhea?(Required) Yes No Has your pet had any constipation?(Required) Yes No Has your pet had any trouble with urination?(Required) Yes No Is your pet drinking normally?(Required) Yes No Is your pet eating normally?(Required) Yes No Nutrition (Brand, formula, wet/dry, how much? frequency. Any treats?)(Required)Does your pet get any human food/table scraps? If so, what kind and how often?(Required)Does your pet have any skin issues? (Licking/scratching/chewing on the skin or feet)(Required) Yes No Has your pet been scooting?(Required) Yes No Have you noticed any new lumps/bumps on your pet?(Required) Yes No Is your pet having any issues with their eyes?(Required) Yes No Is your pet having any issues with their ears?(Required) Yes No Does your pet have any issues with their mouth/teeth/gums?(Required) Yes No Does your pet have any trouble walking/running/jumping/getting up?(Required) Yes No Has your pet been lethargic?(Required) Yes No Have you noticed any behavior problems with your pet?(Required) Yes No Medications/Supplements (What kind? Dosage? Frequency?)(Required)Heartworm Prevention (Brand? Frequency? Last dose?)(Required)Flea/Tick Prevention (Brand? Frequency? Last dose?)(Required)Do you need refills of any kind while here?(Required)Do you need to purchase any food/products while here?(Required)Signature Δ